Enduro magazine issue 53 (in french)
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Xavier de Soultrait , Jan Witteveen, The first Scorpion Masters Salon Milan, La Porte Guillaume 450 Kawa , extreme Mission , Jeremy Joly , TM 300 2011 Comparison 50 A hike in Corsica with Stéphane Peterhansel , Enduro and ecology, Dakar, ISDE , JPV remembers 6 Days before, a few essential products , dates not to miss , price new and secondhand
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Cover: Greg Eyries plays barriers (photo F. Bolusset ) 4 Any news medium , and more. May 12 minutes Xavier de Soultrait Viscount enduro May 14 minutes January Witteveen, he believes in the 2-stroke 16 Lived 1 Scorpion Masters seen from the inside 18 Milan Furniture Fair KTM unveils 350 enduro, Beta and so does Fantic shows his version of Gas Gas . Studio 26 450 William Kawa Door machine ‘ laboratory ‘ of beauty 30 Extreme Mission Two racers and a tester in commando training at Greg Eyries to better face a hike in the footsteps of the GLC . 48 At home Jérémy Joly, the new star? 54 Test 2011 TM EN 300 , a beautiful character 60 Comparison 50 Three racing models that make you want to have 14 years . 70 Corsica A pleasant hike on the Island of Beauty in the company of a Corsican adoption appointed Stéphane Peterhansel 78 Survey Enduro and ecology, is it really a contradiction? 84 Dakar Alone against all , Cyril Despres did not actually unduly 90 ISDE Blue handed it to the 3rd consecutive year. Back to the image on a particularly popular edition . 98 Nostalgia President JPV remembers 6 Days before the day before yesterday 102 Shopping Some essential products 104 Agenda Dates not to miss 107 Forum You have the floor 110 Specialists The enduro shops by region 114 Gros under Price of new and secondhand
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